Fatherhood Series | Introduction to Fatherhood & Family Dynamics
Learning Objectives:
- Participants will be able to define fatherhood roles and responsibilities within the family.
- Participants will understand the impact of involved fathers on family well-being.
- Participants will understand the impact Fatherhood has on Maternal and Infant Health.
Trainer: J. Michael Hall, Strong Fathers Strong Families
J. Michael Hall is the father of two sons (both high school teachers). Mr. Hall has been a special education teacher, a teacher of the gifted and talented, and an intermediate and middle school principal. As an educator, speaker and founder of Strong Fathers-Strong Families, he has presented to more than 275,000 fathers and parents at local schools,Head Starts, and regional and national conferences. As Strong Fathers-Strong Families has recently completed its 21st school year, his programs are now reaching young dads who were once the children in his programs.
“Mike” is also the co-host of the Intentional Partnerships, a collaborative podcast in partnership with Lindsey Shah and the National Center for Parents as Teachers. He has written five different fatherhood curricula and is presently working on his sixth. He is also a contributing author to the book on fathering entitled Why Fathers Count. He is considered one of the country’s foremost experts on working with fathers in schools and Head Start programs. Mike was honored as a 2012 White House Champion of Change for his pioneering work in the fatherhood field around the nation.
Continuing Education
SD Board of Social Work Examiners
This organization (University of South Dakota – Provider #1048) is approved as a provider for continuing education by the South Dakota Board of Social Work Examiners. Social workers will receive up to 1.0 Continuing Education clock hours for participating in this course.