The resources provided are for informational purposes only and do not indicate an endorsement from CPCM.

Helpline CenterEvery day people turn to 211 at the Helpline Center for information and support – whether financial, family, health, or disaster-related. Contact Helpline Center for resources specific to your needs, situation, and location. Dial 211 or visit

Children’s Advocacy Centers of South Dakota: Children’s Advocacy Centers (CACs) offer best practices in the serving of abused children through a comprehensive approach.

SD Department of Social Services: Information about Child Protection Services, Economic Assistance, Child Care, and more. Contact SD Department of Social Services to access state support.

Indian Child Welfare Act in South Dakota: Includes information about the state’s implementation of ICWA, including contacts for designated tribal agents.

Do you need further assistance? Contact us to request assistance in finding resources in South Dakota for child maltreatment response and prevention.