SD ECCS Family Leaders Bureau Survey
Family engagement and leadership have been key priorities of the ECCS grant, as outlined in Goal 4 of the ECCS Strategic Plan: Increase capacity for meaningful engagement and partnerships with parents. The ECCS Family Leadership Group, composed of 14 individuals with young children, is an important advisory partner in our work, but we acknowledge that this group only captures a small portion of the broader family voice.
This is where we need your help. CPCM is developing a “Family Leaders Bureau,” a database of family leaders who would like to add their expertise and voice to state and community initiatives that serve them. This Family Leaders Bureau of lived experience subject matter experts will be a resource for all who are working to ensure a strong start for South Dakota children but will also include parents of children up to age 18.
To assist us in identifying parenting adults who would like to add their voice and expertise to develop and improve programs and systems that serve them, we ask that you please share this survey within your network through this link: or by sharing the graphic and QR code below.
After parents complete the survey, CPCM staff will follow up with a few additional questions. All data collected will remain secure and will not be shared outside of CPCM without prior consent, but CPCM will share opportunities for focus groups, surveys, committees and other ways that your programs hope to capture family voices and expertise with the Family Leaders Bureau.