ECCS Touchpoints Webinar: How the Huron community collaborated to bring in a Toy Lending Library
What is a touchpoint?
A child’s brain undergoes rapid development during the first three years of life, making this period crucial for their overall growth. Each new brain connection formed during this time has been referred to as a “touchpoint,” which is why we named our informational webinar series after this important milestone in a child’s development. Through these hour-long, interactive webinars, our goal is to help you create your own touchpoints across South Dakota, contributing to the healthy development of all the state’s children.
How the Huron community collaborated to bring in a Toy Lending Library
Speaker: Anelis Coscioni-South Dakota Toy Lending Library, Rhonda Kludt-formerly of Huron United Way, Toy Lending Library Board Member, and Gayle Kludt-Kiwanis Club of Huron