Increased Risk of Maltreatment for Children with Disabilities
Child abuse, maltreatment, and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are serious public health concerns that can have long-term impacts on health, opportunity, and well-being. This presentation will provide a brief introduction to the work of CPCM and the SD Center for Disabilities, and discuss the increased risk of maltreatment for children with disabilities. Research supports that children with disabilities, who represent several distinct subgroups that require specialized services and care within our communities, are at an increased risk of experiencing trauma and having higher ACEs than typically developing children. This is important to consider in regards to long-term ACE related health conditions and service considerations. Participants will gain understanding of the shared priorities of these two USD Centers, the varieties of disabilities in children, and approaches to addressing trauma with this population.
Learning objectives: Attendees will:
- Increase their understanding of the prevalence of child maltreatment and ACEs in South Dakota, and collaborative efforts to decrease risk factors and increase protective factors for children.
- Understand the increased risk for maltreatment and associated long-term effects.
- Increase understanding of differences of trauma responses of children with disabilities versus typically developing children.
- Recognize differences in needs of navigating services for children with disabilities.
Trainer: Kyla Krogman-Glirbas
Kyla received her Bachelor’s in Psychology at South Dakota State University and began her career working at a psychiatric residential treatment facility counseling youth. During graduate school, she completed two graduate assistantships, including the Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and related Disabilities (LEND) program. Kyla received her master’s in social work at the University of South Dakota and has a certificate in Child and Adult Advocacy Studies (CAASt). She is currently employed at the Center for Disabilities as a Post Master’s Fellow and engages in policy advocacy, interagency collaboration, and interdisciplinary clinical work. In 2022, Kyla was awarded a South Dakota Change Network fellowship from the Bush Foundation. This leadership program, along with her previous experience as an advocate for children and families experiencing domestic violence and child welfare involvement, inspired her to engage in research and community education on the topic of increased risk of maltreatment for children with disabilities.
Trainer: Darla Biel
A strategic and collaborative leader with experience in higher education teaching and management, non-profit leadership, and interdisciplinary projects, Darla Biel, MA, CFRE, is the Assistant Director at the South Dakota Center for the Prevention of Child Maltreatment at the University of South Dakota’s School of Health Sciences She serves as the SD Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems (ECCS) Lead, convening an interagency advisory board and community partners to build a shared vision and plan for ensuring a strong start for all South Dakota children. Biel is also project lead for Resilient Communities, a community-led initiative that increases collective capacity to know about, respond to, and prevent child abuse. As a lifelong learner, Biel holds degrees from Bethany College (Lindsborg, KS), Iowa State University (Ames, IA), and Pacific University (Forest Grove, OR), as well as graduate certificates in Child & Adult Advocacy Studies (USD) and Certified Fund Raising Management (Indiana University). She is currently pursuing a doctoral degree in Educational Administration and Leadership with a specialization in Adult & Higher Education from the University of South Dakota.