Identifying and Managing Common Mental Health Disorders in Maltreated Children
Session Objectives:
- Identify Common Mental Health symptoms in Maltreated Children: Equipping professionals with the knowledge and skills to recognize early signs of anxiety, depression, PTSD, and other mental health conditions commonly found in maltreated children.
- Implement Best Practice Strategies: Explore best practice screening and therapeutic interventions to support maltreated children in managing mental health disorders, ensuring a holistic approach to their care and well-being.
Trainer: Nikki Eining, University of South Dakota
Nikki Eining is a private independent practice licensed social worker who serves as the Statewide Pediatric Mental Health Care Access Program Coordinator for The University of South Dakota, Sanford School of Medicine, and owns Grace Grit Growth Counseling LLC in Brookings. Nikki brings diverse experiences and passions spending over 18 years working in the behavioral health field. Her previous experience has focused on supporting youth and families in office, school, and community settings. She has professional experience in clinical mental health, education, research design, non-profit, program development, and trauma-informed care practices.
Nikki is passionate about trauma and healing-informed practices, the power of protective factors in building resiliency and grit, along with the importance of collaboration across systems to help decrease barriers for youth and families. Nikki is a Theraplay Level 1, 2 and Group trained therapist, SAPST trained prevention provider, and an ACE Interface Certified educator.