Home Events - CPCM Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners eSANE: History of the Movement to End Gender and Race-Based Violence: Moving Beyond Crisis to Healing

eSANE: History of the Movement to End Gender and Race-Based Violence: Moving Beyond Crisis to Healing

Objectives: Participants will gain an understanding of the prevalence and impact of individual, historical, generational, and community trauma including climate crisis, participants will recognize the connection between trauma and health disparities, particularly in the realms of mental health and substance use experiences, and participants will learn how gender-based and race-based oppression and violence intersect, leading to higher rates of victimization and lethality.

Trainer: Christina Love (she/her) – Indigenous Storyteller, Survivor, Multi-Level Advocate

Why are women abused more than men? Why are Native American, and our LGBTQ2S relatives physically and sexually assaulted at much higher rates than any other demographic? This training seeks to address these pressing questions by delving into the multifaceted roots of violence that have shaped a culture of abuse and exploitation.

This session will delve into the intertwined history of genocide, colonization, assimilation, and the anti-violence movement. Participants will gain insights into how gender-based and race-based oppression intersect, contributing to heightened levels of victimization and lethality within marginalized communities. Additionally, we will explore the geographical and climatic factors that exacerbate violence, particularly within indigenous populations.

Our aim is for participants to depart with a comprehensive understanding of indigenous culture and the profound impacts these systemic issues have had on every facet of life and community across generations. Furthermore, attendees will learn to recognize the connections between trauma and health disparities, guiding us towards a deeper understanding of the crucial role that justice and anti-oppression work play for all of us.

Christina Love (she/her) is a proud Alaska Native (Alutiiq/Sugpiaq) mother of two who brings her authentic voice and transformative spirit to the forefront as an internationally acclaimed keynote speaker, thought leader, award winning advocate and broadcaster. Christina has been at the forefront of strategic initiatives for over 15 years, focusing on equity, organizational transformation, and community healing nationwide. She serves as a Senior Consultant on trauma and intersectionality with an emphasis on centering community and lived expertise. Christina collaborates with state coalitions, tribes, and federal agencies. Her notable contributions include serving as a member of the Trilateral Working Group for the United States, Mexico, and Canada; as a federal commissioner to the Not Inviable Act; and her recent appointment by the president to the federal Council on Human Trafficking. Christina is part of leading a collective movement that works to end violence, oppression, shame, and stigma through healing centered practices, the liberation of education, community care, and storytelling.




This training is hosted by CPCM under Grant No. 2019-MU-GX-K014, awarded by the Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations in this document are those of the contributors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.


Jun 28 2024


11:00 am - 12:30 pm