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Free Legal Workshop Features Experts on Indian Child Welfare Act

Law students, legal professionals, and others interested in better understanding child welfare related law will have the opportunity to learn from local and national experts on April 3.

The fourth annual Legal Workshop presented by the South Dakota Unified Judicial System, University of South Dakota Knudson School of Law, and Center for the Prevention of Child Maltreatment will take place at the Muenster University Center in Vermillion. This year’s workshop will feature two topics: Indian Child Welfare Act and Representation of Immigrants and Refugees.

The workshop will begin with remarks from South Dakota Supreme Court Chief Justice Steven R. Jensen. The morning will include a session titled “ICWA: The History and a South Dakota Perspective” by Dan Lewerns, University of North Dakota School of Law and Director of Indian Law and a session titled “ICWA in Practice” by Sheldon Spotted Elk, Senior Director of Judicial and National Engagement, Casey Family Programs. These sessions aim to discuss why the Indian Child Welfare Act was passed, why the principles of ICWA remain relevant today, and how ICWA efforts work in practice.

The workshop’s second half will feature the keynote, “Representation of Immigrants and Refugees” presented by Taneeza Islam, Director, SD Voices for Peace. This session will discuss the unique challenges that arise when representing immigrant children and parents in child welfare cases.

The workshop will begin at 9 a.m, include a light breakfast and lunch, and conclude by 4:30 p.m. While the workshop is free, registration is required at https://sdcpcm.com/legalworkshop.