Resilient Communities: South Dakota provides a technical framework to support community coalitions to prepare, know, respond to, prevent and sustain multi-sector efforts to address childhood maltreatment and its impacts across the lifespan. Facilitated by a local team and supported by a CPCM Navigator, Resilient Communities is a process that help all community sectors collaboratively identify local strengths and opportunities to prevent Adverse Childhood Experiences and maltreatment.

Hub Trainings

CPCM is offering quarterly hub training opportunities to Resilient Community facilitating teams and their community members.

Next training:

Friday, October 6
1:00pm to 3:30pm
Sioux Falls Convention Center
Following the closing session of the Community Response to Child Abuse Conference

October HUB registration

The October HUB will take place following the closing session of the Community Response to Child Abuse Conference.  Lunch will be provided for those that are attending the conference beforehand. Please complete the form below to register for the HUB session and indicate any dietary needs for lunch.

Conference registration is open through September 27 at