Poverty Simulation Experience – Vermillion
WIC CIAO Project: Poverty Simulation Vermillion
The Poverty Escape Room isn’t a traditional simulation. Often, organizations are looking for smaller group trainings to gain an understanding of the crisis of poverty. This activity is designed to allow participants to experience and gain insights into the complex issues associated with poverty. We all know that you cannot truly “escape” poverty in 90 minutes, but can you survive a day in the life of someone in the crisis of poverty? In the Poverty Escape Room, participants can gain a glimpse into the obstacles and barriers that individuals in poverty encounter on a daily basis and reflect on their experience with other participants. The goal is to foster awareness and understanding of the impact of poverty on the individuals and families we interact with regularly. The Poverty Escape Room also serves as a starting point for conversations on how we can collectively support and empower those living in poverty.
Trainer: Angie Lynch, Family Engagement Learning Specialist, South Dakota Statewide Family Engagement Center, Black Hills Special Services Cooperative
This training is one of several trainings to support through the WIC Community Innovation and Outreach (or WIC-CIAO) Project and is funded at least in part by the Food and Nutrition Services, U.S. Department of Agriculture. The contents of this training do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the University of South Dakota or the U.S. Department of Agriculture, nor does the mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by USD or the US Government. You can learn more about this effort at https://sdcpcm.com/wic.
Attendance will be limited to the first 50 registrants.