Support the effort to end child maltreatment in April by:
- Wear Blue on April 4 and share an image on social media.
- Attend the ECCS or CIP monthly training session.
- Attend the Legal Workshop or Ray of Hope Event.
- Download and customize graphics and templates for social media and email.
- Refresh your knowledge with the Recognizing and Reporting Child Maltreatment online course.

South Dakota Wear Blue Day to Prevent Child Abuse
Wear blue! Join us in sharing your support, by wearing blue on April 4 and sharing an image on social media.
Ray of Hope: Child Abuse Prevention Event
April 15: Ray of Hope event
Center for the Prevention of Child Maltreatment (CPCM) invites you to join us in commemorating this important month by raising awareness of how we can help our fellow South Dakotans know about, respond to, and prevent child maltreatment.
Legal Workshop
April 3: Legal Workshop
The 4th Annual Legal Workshop is sponsored by the South Dakota Unified Judicial System Court Improvement Program. CPCM and the University of South Dakota Knudson School of Law are partner organizations for this event. This is a free learning opportunity, to be held at the Muenster University Center in Vermillion.
Court Improvement Program Training
April 30: Understanding the Impact of Maltreatment on Child Development
Join us for our April session of the Court Improvement Program. Exploration of the impact of stressors experienced during infancy, childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood. Session participants will: understand the effect of stress on a child’s brain development; recognize and understand the physical and behavioral health effects of violence, neglect and abuse, including mental health impacts; and understand the impact of child maltreatment on suicide ideation, attempt, and completion.
Partner Event: Henry’s Run
To raise awareness and funds for child abuse prevention. All proceeds benefit Sanford Children’s Child’s Voice, a South Dakota Children’s Advocacy Center.
2025 Graphics and Templates:
Download zip file of graphics and templates.
Social Media Follow and Share:
South Dakota Resources:
National Resources:
Child & Family Services Review & Data-Driven Processes
Presented by Ashley Asmus, SD Department of Social Services, Division of Child Protection Services
Understanding Psychosexual Assessments of Juvenile Offenders
A brief overview of adolescent psychosexual and psychological evaluations covering testing instruments used, biopsychosocial/sexual information gathered through collateral information and first-hand accounts, and a discussion of recommendations provided. Presented by Gary Hoffman, Counseling Café.
Value of Family Voice in System’s Work
Presented by Rochelle Holloway, Karissa Perez, Darbi Hunt, and Darla Biel.
Recognizing & Reporting Child Maltreatment
Training covers community and professional responsibilities, impacts of ACEs on health and well-being, state child abuse/neglect and mandatory reporting statute, differences between civil and criminal cases, handling a disclosure, and value of multidisciplinary team response.
2023 Legislative Update
Presented by Senator Tim Reed and Representative Taylor Rehfeldt.
Civil vs Criminal Child Abuse and Neglect Cases
Presented by Colleen Moran in conjunction with SD State Bar.