Child maltreatment prevention and response is a complex issue. Responsibility for prevention efforts and corresponding promotion of child wellbeing is shared across multiple agencies and programs in the child welfare system. CPCM brings unity to the work. The three pillars of our work are:
- Know: Understanding South Dakota’s child maltreatment landscape using state and local data, while also integrating the latest national research, evidence-based practices, and innovations to guide prevention and response strategies.
- Respond: Putting knowledge into action by implementing evidence-informed strategies tailored to South Dakota’s landscape, such as developing and delivering specialized training, convening interdisciplinary teams, advising policy and legislative changes, raising public awareness, and providing comprehensive education and resources to prevent and address child maltreatment.
- Prevent: Implementing tailored, evidence-based strategies that proactively reduce child maltreatment rates, prevent future harm, and improve outcomes for all South Dakota children and families. Data from these prevention efforts continually informs our knowledge base, driving an ongoing cycle of responsive action.
Use the resource links below to find additional information to learn about, respond to, and prevent child maltreatment.