Training Library

Training Library

eSANE Training Series: Hidden in Plain Sight – Strangulation, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Gender-Based Violence

September 3, 2024|Categories: General|

Gender-based violence often involves physical violence targeted at the head, neck, and face–through blows to the head or strangulation. Though this has been common knowledge for decades, brain injuries caused by violence are unacknowledged, rarely identified and almost never immediately treated. Trainer: Rachel Ramirez, The Center on Partner-Inflicted Brain Injury at the Ohio Domestic Violence Network

eSANE Training Series: Victims of Violence with Disabilities

July 31, 2024|Categories: General|

Increase understanding of differences of trauma responses of individuals with disabilities versus typically developing individuals and identify screening, treatment needs, and intervention options for individuals with disabilities that have experienced trauma. Trainers: Aimee Deliramich, Ph.D. and Nikki Eining, MSW, CSW-PIP, QMHP from USD Center for Disabilities

eSANE Training Series: History of the Movement to End Gender and Race-Based Violence: Moving Beyond Crisis to Healing

July 2, 2024|Categories: General|

This session will delve into the intertwined history of genocide, colonization, assimilation, and the anti-violence movement. Participants will gain insights into how gender-based and race-based oppression intersect, contributing to heightened levels of victimization and lethality within marginalized communities. Trainer: Christina Love (she/her) – Indigenous Storyteller, Survivor, Multi-Level Advocate