Court Improvement Program
ICPC Process
This session covers the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children, what it is, why does it exist, regulations, barriers, and new initiatives to improve permanency results for children. Trainer: Kathleen Miller, Deputy Compact Administrator for the ICPC, SD Department of Social Services
Spirit of ICWA
Examine the origins and the strong need for the Indian Child Welfare Act formally known as ICWA and the true spirit and nature. Presented by Dereck Stonefish, Training Coordinator, Native American Institute and CEO, Indigenous Forward Consulting.
Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect
This session will cover reporting suspected child abuse/neglect, screening of child abuse/neglect reports, present danger and impending danger, and initial family assessment safety model. Presented by JoLynn Bostrom, SD Department of Social Services, Division of Child Protection Services.
Children and Sexual-Based Online Harms: A Guide for Professionals
This session will cover research around the risks and vulnerabilities of children accessing the internet, online grooming and exploitation, impacts of children viewing pornography online, what we can do as professionals, parents, and policymakers. Presented by Chrissie Young, Director, CPCM and Heather Knox, Assistant United States Attorney, U.S Attorney’s Office
2024 Legislative Session Recap
The discussion will focus on CPCM policy initiatives, the CDC ACEs prevention framework, and 2024 legislative wins related to child welfare including but not limited to the 4% cost of living increase, policing the internet, artificial intelligence, children accessing pornography, as well as big changes in school funding and prioritizing teacher salaries. Presented by Senator Helene Duhamel, CPCM Advisory Board Member and Chrissie Young, Director, CPCM
Human Trafficking 101
An in depth look of the way that traffickers groom victims, the types of trafficking we are seeing, and the work we are doing to improve and support the prevention and response to Human Trafficking in South Dakota. Presented by Mary Beth Holzwarth, SD Division of Criminal Investigation.
Child Custody, Safety, and the Impact on Children
Presented by Tracey Decker and Krista Hereen-Graber, The SD Network in partnership with SD State Bar Association.
Empowering Indigenous Students and Families Through Multi-Generational Professional Mentoring Support
Presented by Valeriah Big Eagle, Friends of the Children.
Family Violence
Define domestic abuse while providing an overview of coercive control and other tactics of power and control utilized by the person causing harm to the family. Presented by Krista Hereen-Graber, SD Network Against Family Violence and Sexual Assault
Child & Family Services Review & Data-Driven Processes
Presented by Ashley Asmus, SD Department of Social Services, Division of Child Protection Services