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Paternal Inclusion: Benefits to Maternal & Infant Health
Learn the Importance of fathers’ involvement in maternal health issues. Presented by Joel Austin, Daddy University.
Communication and Co-Parenting
Define co-parenting and learn effective communication strategies between parents. Presented by Dr. Brad Sachs, The Father Center
Introduction to Fatherhood & Family Dynamics
Define fatherhood roles and responsibilities within the family and understand the impact of involved fathers on family well-being. Presented by J. Michael Hall, Strong Fathers Strong Families
Child & Adult Advocacy Studies Training
This 5-hour training provides school personnel with knowledge for working in school multidisciplinary teams and discussion on the perceived barriers to implementing trauma-informed approaches. Training participants will increase knowledge of mandatory reporting, youth suicide prevention, multidisciplinary approaches, and trauma-informed interventions. Presented by Kelly Bass and Shana Cerny, University of South Dakota.
A First Responder’s Guide to the Minimal Facts Interview and Beyond
Defines the purpose of minimal facts interview, reviews strategies to gather information from outside sources, and understanding appropriate child questioning strategies. Presented by Cam Corey and Amanda Liebl.
Recognizing & Reporting Child Maltreatment
Training covers community and professional responsibilities, impacts of ACEs on health and well-being, state child abuse/neglect and mandatory reporting statute, differences between civil and criminal cases, handling a disclosure, and value of multidisciplinary team response.