Home » WIC CIAO Update August 2024

WIC CIAO Update August 2024

WIC Community Innovation and Outreach Project Update

In 2023, Center for the Prevention of Child Maltreatment, a center of the University of South Dakota, was one of 36 WIC CIAO grant awardees. The project includes outreach to families with young children, free transportation to WIC-participating families, and free learning opportunities for service providers working with families and young children.

The WIC program aligns with several child abuse prevention strategies by providing support and education to parents, strengthening families, building social connections, screening for risk factors, and providing parenting support.

Empathy and Person First Training

This online training, using empathy and person-first language when working directly with families of young children. Participants will learn to define what empathy is and is not; identify the factors that influence empathetic behavior; and explore techniques that enhance empathy skills.

Community Resiliency Model Training

Join us at USD Sioux Falls to learn about the Community Resiliency Model (CRM) to help strengthen your wellness with quick, simple skills. CRM is a biological model that teaches us how our mind and body are connected. CRM helps us understand how stress and trauma affect us, our nervous systems, and our emotions and behaviors. It gives us wellness skills to build resilience.

Cultural Competency Series

A series of seven training topics that covers cultural awareness, working with interpreters, cross-cultural communication, and more.

Community Outreach Planned

To date, the WIC CIAO project has participated in 18 community events, reaching more than 1,000 families with information about WIC eligibility and benefits.

Upcoming WIC Outreach will take place at:

If you would like to volunteer or be a vendor the upcoming block parties, complete this form.

If your community or organization is hosting an event that you think could benefit from WIC Outreach, contact [email protected] with event date and time, location, and other details.

WIC Outreach Begins

Following extensive research and focus groups on WIC services, outreach, and opportunities. CPCM’s WIC-CIAO Project and SD Department of Health’s WIC services have partnered together to launch an outreach campaign consisting of digital and billboard placements. Let us know if you see the new creative materials.

Family Resource Page Launched

In partnership with Helpline Center, a searchable Family Resource page funded through WIC-CIAO is now live (beta) at https://familyresources.helplinecenter.org.

Resources may be sorted by zip code and type. The curated page pulls from 2-1-1 Helpline Center’s database, so please encourage those who serve South Dakota children and families to keep their listings updated. The page will soon be available in 10 languages.

Helpline University Launched

In partnership with Helpline Center, a on-demand course aimed at professionals in the social sector to learn how to utilize the online Community Directory tools to connect individuals to resources in their community.  Find the course at https://university.helplinecenter.org/.

FREE Transportation Available

WIC families can now dial 211 for FREE transportation for WIC-eligible grocery shopping and WIC clinic appointments.

WIC participating families in the Sioux Falls and Rapid City areas have access to free transportation to WIC clinic appointments or grocery shopping (using WIC benefits). Car seats are not provided. Dial 211 to schedule 24-hours in advance.

Please share this flyer with families who are WIC-participating or could be WIC-eligible.