Free Transportation Available

WIC families: Dial 211 for free transportation to grocery store and WIC clinic.

WIC participating families in the Sioux Falls and Rapid City areas now have access to free transportation to WIC clinic appointments or grocery shopping (using WIC benefits). Car seats are not provided. WIC participants dial 211 to schedule transportation 24-hours in advance. Available through October 2024.

Las familias que participan en WIC en las áreas de Sioux Falls y Rapid City ahora tienen acceso gratuito a transporte para las citas en la clínica WIC y compras del supermercado (utilizando los beneficios de WIC). No se proporcionarán asientos de bebé/niño pequeño para el automóvil. Los participantes de WIC pueden llamar al teléfono 211 para programar el transporte con 24 horas de antelación. Disponible hasta octubre de 2024.

Download flyer.

Transportation in these communities is provided as part of CPCM’s WIC-CIAO Project through a grant award to the University of South Dakota funded at least in part by the Food and Nutrition Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. You can learn more about this project at