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Handle with Care

This training session is a part of our 2022 Community Response to Child Abuse Conference. Purchase of this content opens access to all 19 sessions and corresponding continuing education credits.

Adverse childhood experiences unfortunately happen to today’s youth. Sixty percent of US children have been exposed to violence, crime, or abuse. These students still go to school. They are expected to do the same work at the same time, all while carrying with them the traumatic experience from the night before. Because of these traumatic experiences, a child’s behavior, grades, and truancy are areas that could be negatively affected. School officials and teachers do not always know that a child may have experienced or witnessed a traumatic event. They still expect students to perform as if nothing has happened. The “Handle With Care” program allows teachers to mitigate the stress of the traumatized child by showing grace, patience and understanding in the following days and weeks. This allows the student to continue to positively grow in their personal and educational journey. There is no explanation of what happened, just a notice with the child’s name and the words, “Handle with Care”.

VIDEO – Handle with Care

Sara Kettwig