Court Improvement Program
Child & Family Services Review & Data-Driven Processes
Presented by Ashley Asmus, SD Department of Social Services, Division of Child Protection Services
Understanding Psychosexual Assessments of Juvenile Offenders
A brief overview of adolescent psychosexual and psychological evaluations covering testing instruments used, biopsychosocial/sexual information gathered through collateral information and first-hand accounts, and a discussion of recommendations provided. Presented by Gary Hoffman, Counseling Café.
Value of Family Voice in System’s Work
Presented by Rochelle Holloway, Karissa Perez, Darbi Hunt, and Darla Biel.
2023 Legislative Update
Presented by Senator Tim Reed and Representative Taylor Rehfeldt.
Civil vs Criminal Child Abuse and Neglect Cases
Presented by Colleen Moran in conjunction with SD State Bar.
Situational Awareness
Presented by Scott Sheldon, SD Unified Judicial System.
Independent Living and Young Voices
Presented by Eric Grover, SD Department of Social Services.
Preparing a Child Witness for Court
Presented by Lara Roetzel, SD Network Against Family Violence and Sexual Assault.
Overview of Brackeen v Haaland
Presented by Sheldon Spotted Elk and Jack Trope, Casey Family Programs.
Multidiscplinary Teams
Multidiscplinary Teams Presenters: Brittany Novotny, Children’s Advocacy Centers of SD; Amanda Liebl, Child’s Voice at Sanford Health; Angelsa Lisburg, Avera St. Mary’s Central South Dakota Child Assessment Center; and Tifanie Petro, Children’s Home Child Advocacy Center. [...]