Spirit of ICWA
Examine the origins and the strong need for the Indian Child Welfare Act formally known as ICWA and the true spirit and nature. Presented by Dereck Stonefish, Training Coordinator, Native American Institute and CEO, Indigenous Forward Consulting.
SD ECCS Bright Lights: Maternal Child Health and Medicaid Collaboration
SD ECCS Bright Lights featuring Maternal Child Health and Medicaid Collaboration. Presenters: Shannon Muchow, Carrie Churchill, Valerie Kelly
SD ECCS November 2024 Update)
Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems: ECCS Ensuring a strong start for all children can reduce vulnerabilities and prevent ACEs, but it requires collaboration and co-ownership of strategies and solutions. This newsletter provides updates on SD ECCS activities and also provide external [...]
November 2024 Newsletter
In this issue: End Online Child Abuse eSANE Trainings Online Court Improvement Program Training Registration SANE Training Opportunities Online Training Library Save the Dates End Online Child Abuse Updated resources are now available at THORN: Safe Connections: A Guide [...]
Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect
This session will cover reporting suspected child abuse/neglect, screening of child abuse/neglect reports, present danger and impending danger, and initial family assessment safety model. Presented by JoLynn Bostrom, SD Department of Social Services, Division of Child Protection Services.
SANE Courtroom Training Series
This training is designed for SANEs, advocates, prosecutors and others handling sexual assault cases and working with sexual assault victims.
Hundreds of South Dakotans Trained on Child Abuse Prevention
More than 500 professionals in the child advocacy field attended the 24th Annual Community Response to Child Abuse Conference, held October 3-4 at the Sioux Falls Convention Center. The conference provided professional training and educational opportunities for child protection [...]
Maintaining Cultural Sensitivity When Working with Families
Learn how to be cultural sensitive in your care delivery, recognize cultural differences and address any barriers to care, and identify tools and ways to deliver care in a culturally sensitive manner. Training provided through the WIC CIAO Project by Tami Hogie-Lorenzen, SD Urban Indian Health.
Empathy and Person First
Using empathy and person-first language when working directly with families of young children. Participants will learn to define what empathy is and is not; identify the factors that influence empathetic behavior; and explore techniques that enhance empathy skills. Training provided through the WIC CIAO Project by Lora Hayes.
WIC CIAO Update October 2024
WIC Community Innovation and Outreach Project Update As we wrap up the WIC-CIAO grant, CPCM extends gratitude for the WIC program and other partners' support and involvement over the past 18 months. It has been a true pleasure to [...]