2023 Conference
Reunification Panel Discussion
Moderated by Pamela Bennett
Jurisdictional Challenges and Solutions in the Prosecution of Child Abuse and Exploitation
Presented by Heather Knox
Dealing with Difficult Clients
Presented by Shanna Moke
Whole Child Approach: Engaging Learners & Families through Relationships
Presented by Angie Lynch and Julie King
Family First Prevention Services Act Preview
Presented by Ashley Schlichenmayer-Okroi
From Self-Care to Organizational Care: This is an ‘Us’ Conversation
Presented by Tifanie Petro
Building a Treehouse-Building Resiliency for Our Children
Presented by Terri Mielitz
Know Your Why
Presented by Mitchell Reed
Trust Based Relational Intervention: Introduction & Overview
Presented by Shany Cerny
Trauma and Adverse Experiences in Children with Disabilities
Presented by Kyla Krogrman-Glirbas, Aimee Deliramich, Madysen Pravecek