Identifying and Managing Common Mental Health Disorders in Maltreated Children
Equipping professionals with the knowledge and skills to recognize early signs of anxiety, depression, PTSD, and other mental health conditions commonly found in maltreated children. Presented by Nikki Eining, University of South Dakota.
SANE Injury Assessment & Documentation
This training will focus on different physical exam findings that a SANE may encounter during a sexual assault medical forensic exam and how to appropriately document these findings. Participants will learn how about various definitions and key characteristics and differences, using real exam photos.
SD ECCS Touchpoints: Brain Science in Early Development
SD ECCS Touchpoints featuring Brain Science in Early Development presented by Laura Jana, MD, FAAP, Pediatrician, Author, and Connector of Dots, Chief Innovation Officer – PSU Evidence to Impact Collaborative
Understanding Trauma’s Impact on the Brain and De-Escalation Techniques
This presentation will describe how traumatic and adverse childhood experiences shape the brain in ways that can lead to increases in aggressive and volatile behaviors. De-escalation techniques for working with angry or dysregulated youth will be provided. Presented by BreAnne Danzi, Ph.D., University of South Dakota.
SD ECCS Touchpoints: BEAM-SD
SD ECCS Touchpoints featuring BEAM-SD. Presenters: Nikki Eining and Aimee Deliramich, Center for Disabilities.
ICPC Process
This session covers the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children, what it is, why does it exist, regulations, barriers, and new initiatives to improve permanency results for children. Trainer: Kathleen Miller, Deputy Compact Administrator for the ICPC, SD Department of Social Services
SD ECCS Touchpoints: Connecting National Prenatal-to-3 Policy Data to South Dakota’s Kids
SD ECCS Touchpoints featuring Connecting National Prenatal-to-3 Policy Data to South Dakota’s Kids. Presenter: Cynthia Osborne, ED Prenatal-to-3 Policy Impact Center.
Spirit of ICWA
Examine the origins and the strong need for the Indian Child Welfare Act formally known as ICWA and the true spirit and nature. Presented by Dereck Stonefish, Training Coordinator, Native American Institute and CEO, Indigenous Forward Consulting.
Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect
This session will cover reporting suspected child abuse/neglect, screening of child abuse/neglect reports, present danger and impending danger, and initial family assessment safety model. Presented by JoLynn Bostrom, SD Department of Social Services, Division of Child Protection Services.
SANE Courtroom Training Series
This training is designed for SANEs, advocates, prosecutors and others handling sexual assault cases and working with sexual assault victims.
SANE Courtroom Training Series
Training sessions are available to view online.
eSANE Training Series Recordings
A series of trainings to inform medical providers in providing quality care to sexual assault victims. Various topics and trainers were included in the series.
eSANE Training Series: Trauma Informed Care for Commercially Sexually Exploited Youth
Focus on the psychobiology and psychopharmacology of PTSD, relating this to commercially sexually exploited youth and inroads for trauma informed care in the medical setting in order to develop a patient centered, trauma informed collaborative approach to human trafficking in minors. Trainers: Dr. Dana Kaplan, Department of Pediatrics at Staten Island University Hospital and Dr. Natasha Jouk, Department of Pediatrics at Maimonides Medical Center/Infants and Children’s Hospital of Brooklyn
eSANE Training Series: With Care and Dignity – Medical Sexual Assault Forensic Exams for Incarcerated Survivors
Illustrates trauma-informed approaches to delivering care and collecting evidence in the aftermath of sexual abuse. Trainers: Cynthia Totten, Deputy Executive Director, Just Detention International and Angelita Olowu, Forensic Nursing Director, International Association of Forensic Nurses
eSANE Training Series: Hidden in Plain Sight – Strangulation, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Gender-Based Violence
Gender-based violence often involves physical violence targeted at the head, neck, and face–through blows to the head or strangulation. Though this has been common knowledge for decades, brain injuries caused by violence are unacknowledged, rarely identified and almost never immediately treated. Trainer: Rachel Ramirez, The Center on Partner-Inflicted Brain Injury at the Ohio Domestic Violence Network
Children and Sexual-Based Online Harms: A Guide for Professionals
This session will cover research around the risks and vulnerabilities of children accessing the internet, online grooming and exploitation, impacts of children viewing pornography online, what we can do as professionals, parents, and policymakers. Presented by Chrissie Young, Director, CPCM and Heather Knox, Assistant United States Attorney, U.S Attorney’s Office
eSANE Training Series: Protecting Survivors’ Privacy and Other Rights in Multi-Disciplinary Collaboration
Understand legal and ethical confidentiality and privacy obligations governing service professionals, develop information-sharing norms, identify other select victims’ rights moments that arise in collaborations. Trainers: Amy Liu and Rebecca Khalil, National Crime Victim Law Institute
eSANE Training Series: Victims’ Rights 101 for Medical Personnel
Overview of victims’ rights and why they matter to survivors and understand how advocates, medical personnel, law enforcement, attorneys and other allied professionals can help protect those rights. Trainers: Amy Liu and Rebecca Khalil, National Crime Victim Law Institute
Fatherhood Training Series
Training series on fatherhood. Topics include the impact of involved fathers, co-parenting techniques and strategies, father involvement in maternal and infant health, family resilience, diversity of fatherhood experiences across cultures, and impact of policies on father engagement. Presenters vary.
Policy and Structural Factors for Support Fathers
Understand the impact of policies on father engagement and family dynamics. Presented by Dan Wuori, Early Childhood Policy Solutions.
eSANE Training Series: Domestic Abuse & Civil Legal Considerations
Domestic abuse including power and coercive control dynamics will be defined and explained specifically in the context of separation, divorce, and child custody matters when domestic abuse is alleged. Trainers: Tracey Decker, JD & Krista Heeren-Graber, BSW, MS, LBSW, SD Network Against Family Violence and Sexual Assault
eSANE Training Series: Understanding the Nexus of Violence and the Science of Addiction
This training will help provers better understand the role that substance use plays for survivors of violence and provide real tools for policy, practice, and organizational culture. Trainer: Christina Love (she/her) – Indigenous Storyteller, Survivor, Multi-Level Advocate
Fatherhood and Family Resilience
Understand the role of fathers play in promoting resilience within the family unit. Presented by D. L. Pos Ryant, Apprentice of Peace Youth Organization
2024 Legislative Session Recap
The discussion will focus on CPCM policy initiatives, the CDC ACEs prevention framework, and 2024 legislative wins related to child welfare including but not limited to the 4% cost of living increase, policing the internet, artificial intelligence, children accessing pornography, as well as big changes in school funding and prioritizing teacher salaries. Presented by Senator Helene Duhamel, CPCM Advisory Board Member and Chrissie Young, Director, CPCM
Paternal Inclusion: Benefits to Maternal & Infant Health
Learn the Importance of fathers’ involvement in maternal health issues. Presented by Joel Austin, Daddy University.
Communication and Co-Parenting
Define co-parenting and learn effective communication strategies between parents. Presented by Dr. Brad Sachs, The Father Center
Introduction to Fatherhood & Family Dynamics
Define fatherhood roles and responsibilities within the family and understand the impact of involved fathers on family well-being. Presented by J. Michael Hall, Strong Fathers Strong Families
Human Trafficking and Missing & Murdered Indigenous Persons in South Dakota
After the training, participants will have a better understanding of: intersection between MMIP, human trafficking, sexual assault, and domestic violence; South Dakota human trafficking and MMIP trends; new human trafficking and MMIP training initiatives available in South Dakota; how to report suspected traffickers and what information to report.
Human Trafficking 101
An in depth look of the way that traffickers groom victims, the types of trafficking we are seeing, and the work we are doing to improve and support the prevention and response to Human Trafficking in South Dakota. Presented by Mary Beth Holzwarth, SD Division of Criminal Investigation.
Child Custody, Safety, and the Impact on Children
Presented by Tracey Decker and Krista Hereen-Graber, The SD Network in partnership with SD State Bar Association.
Empowering Indigenous Students and Families Through Multi-Generational Professional Mentoring Support
Presented by Valeriah Big Eagle, Friends of the Children.
How to Build a Quality CV
This training will include guidelines for creating and maintaining a CV will be provided so nurses can be prepared to showcase their expertise in the event they are called into court. Examples of how to format a CV will be shown. Presented by Tracy Decker, SD Network Against Family Violence and Sexual Assault.
Family Violence
Define domestic abuse while providing an overview of coercive control and other tactics of power and control utilized by the person causing harm to the family. Presented by Krista Hereen-Graber, SD Network Against Family Violence and Sexual Assault
Child & Adult Advocacy Studies Training
This 5-hour training provides school personnel with knowledge for working in school multidisciplinary teams and discussion on the perceived barriers to implementing trauma-informed approaches. Training participants will increase knowledge of mandatory reporting, youth suicide prevention, multidisciplinary approaches, and trauma-informed interventions. Presented by Kelly Bass and Shana Cerny, University of South Dakota.
A First Responder’s Guide to the Minimal Facts Interview and Beyond
Defines the purpose of minimal facts interview, reviews strategies to gather information from outside sources, and understanding appropriate child questioning strategies. Presented by Cam Corey and Amanda Liebl.
Child & Family Services Review & Data-Driven Processes
Presented by Ashley Asmus, SD Department of Social Services, Division of Child Protection Services
SANE Courtroom Testimony: Instruction for SANEs, Prosecutors, Advocates
This training opportunity will provide SANEs an overview of the courtroom process and roles and strategies for effective testimony. Attorneys will gain insight into the role of SANEs and the information they can provide in the testimony process. Presented by Tracy Decker, SD Network Against Family Violence and Sexual Assault; Lara Roetzel, Pennington County State's Attorney's Office; Michael Moore, Beadle County State's Attorney's Office; Crystal Johnson, Minnehaha County State's Attorney's Office; and Jen Canton, Avera Health.
Understanding Psychosexual Assessments of Juvenile Offenders
A brief overview of adolescent psychosexual and psychological evaluations covering testing instruments used, biopsychosocial/sexual information gathered through collateral information and first-hand accounts, and a discussion of recommendations provided. Presented by Gary Hoffman, Counseling Café.
Value of Family Voice in System’s Work
Presented by Rochelle Holloway, Karissa Perez, Darbi Hunt, and Darla Biel.
Trauma-Informed Advocacy for Victims of Sexual Assault
This training will focus on enhancing practices in supporting victims of sexual assault associated with the untested rape kit initiative. Presented by Marya L. Simmons, Founder and CEO of Shift in Notion Consulting, LLC
Recognizing & Reporting Child Maltreatment
Training covers community and professional responsibilities, impacts of ACEs on health and well-being, state child abuse/neglect and mandatory reporting statute, differences between civil and criminal cases, handling a disclosure, and value of multidisciplinary team response.
2023 Legislative Update
Presented by Senator Tim Reed and Representative Taylor Rehfeldt.
Civil vs Criminal Child Abuse and Neglect Cases
Presented by Colleen Moran in conjunction with SD State Bar.
Increased Risk of Maltreatment for Children with Disabilities
Child abuse, maltreatment, and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are serious public health concerns that can have long-term impacts on health, opportunity, and well-being. This presentation will provide a brief introduction to the work of CPCM and the SD Center for Disabilities, and discuss the increased risk of maltreatment for children with disabilities. Presented by Kyla Krogman-Glirbas, Center for Disabilities and Darla Biel, Center for the Prevention of Child Maltreatment.
Situational Awareness
Presented by Scott Sheldon, SD Unified Judicial System.
Independent Living and Young Voices
Presented by Eric Grover, SD Department of Social Services.
Preparing a Child Witness for Court
Presented by Lara Roetzel, SD Network Against Family Violence and Sexual Assault.
Overview of Brackeen v Haaland
Presented by Sheldon Spotted Elk and Jack Trope, Casey Family Programs.
Multidiscplinary Teams
Multidiscplinary Teams Presenters: Brittany Novotny, Children’s Advocacy Centers of SD; Amanda Liebl, Child’s Voice at Sanford Health; Angelsa Lisburg, Avera St. Mary’s Central South Dakota Child Assessment Center; and Tifanie Petro, Children’s Home Child Advocacy Center. [...]
SD ECCS Session 6 Behavioral Health
SD ECCS Behavioral/Mental Health Melanie Boetel, Director with Department of Social Services, Division of Behavioral Health Jodi Williams, Behavioral Health with Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate Tribe Dione Krush, Women’s Advocate with Bethany Christian Services, Rapid City Betsy Schuster, Vice [...]
SD ECCS Session 5 Dental
Dental Carissa Regnerus, RDH MA, Lead Clinical Director, University of South Dakota, Department of Dental Hygiene Connie Halverson, Vice President, Delta Dental of South Dakota, Public Benefit John Zimmer, DDS, Pediatric Dentist, Great Plains Area of the Indian [...]
Huron Safety Plan Project
Presented by Dawn Johnson, Regional Manager for Child Protection Services, Department of Social Services and Winter Hendrickson, Foster Parent.
SD ECCS Session 4 Childcare
SD ECCS Childcare Rachel Busmann, Outreach Coordinator with SDSU Child and Family Resource Network Terra Johnson, Manager with Sanford Children’s CHILD Services Carmen Stewart, Head Start Director with University of South Dakota Janessa Bixel, MEd, President with South [...]
SD ECCS Session 3 Prenatal/Parenting Engagement & Education
SD ECCS Prenatal/Parenting Engagement & Education Darbi Hunt, SD SFEC Learning Specialist with Community, Family & Special Services, Statewide Family Engagement Center Lisa Sanderson, Family to Family Project Coordinator with South Dakota Parent Connection Dr. Marcy Drew, Director [...]
SD ECCS Session 2 Legal/Safety
SD ECCS Legal/Safety Panel Carrie Sanderson, JD MPA, Director, Center for the Prevention of Child Maltreatment Chelsie Ogaard, Program Director, Children’s Home Society Pam Bennett, Division Director, South Dakota Department of Social Services, South Dakota Child Protection Services [...]
SD ECCS Session 1 Medical/Disabilities
SD ECCS Medical/Disabilities Panel Aimee Deliramich, PhD, Clinical Psychologist, Center for Disabilities USD Amber Finnesand, Parent Kevin DeWald, Executive Director, South Dakota Health Link Lisa Fox, Implementation Analyst, South Dakota Health Link Sara DeCoteau, Tribal Health Director, Sisseton [...]
Legislative Update
Presented by Carrie Sanderson, Director, Center for the Prevention of Child Maltreatment.
The Role of a Parent and Child Attorney in Child Welfare Cases
Presented by Nicole Laughlin, Laughlin Law.
Role of a State’s Attorney in Child Abuse and Neglect Cases
Presented by Wendy Kloeppner, Lake County State’s Attorney and Roxie Erickson, Pennington County Deputy State’s Attorney.
Conversations with a Foster Parent
Presented by Lori Schaeffer, Foster Parent; Andrea Hemeyer, SD Department of Social Services; and Jennifer Mueller, SD Department of Social Services.
Family Time and Sibling/Relative Placement Preferences
Presented by Sara Sheppick, SD Department of Social Services, Division of Child Protection Services.
Understanding Bias and Impact on the Legal System
Presented by Taneeza Islam, SD Voices for Peace.
Codington County Family Court Pilot Project
Presented by Judge Carmen Means.
Stress Triggers on Families, including Holiday Stress
Presented by Nikki Eining, Avera Behavioral Brookings.
Connecting Families and Clients with Services
Presented by Betsy Schuster, Helpline Center.
Cultural Awareness in the Courtroom
Presented by Wayne Weston, Center for Disabilities.
Family Considerations in Abuse and Neglect Cases
Presented by Tifanie Petro, Children's Home Society.
Safety and Planning Conditions for Return
Presented by Pamela Bennett, SD Department of Social Services.